Celebration 2024

...an unofficial guide 4 the Prince Celebration

About me image

Hello Prince Fam,

my name is Axel and I'm a die hard Prince fan and collector since 1985. I started my Prince addiction with the release of Purple Rain and the Syracuse broadcast.

My first concert was Parade tour 1986 in Frankfurt and my last concert was Manchester 2014, In between I saw him around 100 times in concerts, aftershows all over Europe and the USA,

I visited the celebrations as well and I always lost track of the events outside Paisley Park. 4 this reason I created this page, I hope u like it.

I will try to update the site timely, as soon as I hear about a new event incl. the in store Fetus events . U can post a new event 2 me, or just an e-mail 4 feedback, etc.

I recommend 2 create a bookmark on your mobile. U will not miss an event and the overview is just one click away.

Funky Greetings and c u in MPLS

Paisley Park News image
TICKETS ON SALE Official Celebration 2023 site:  https://www.paisleypark.com/celebration-2024

Please check the single days about the schedule and the topics of each day.

Thu, Jun 20th, 2024 at 12:00 AM - Mon, Jun 24th, 2024 at 12:00 AM
Paisley Park, Chanhassen, MN

Early bird tickets are sold out. Regular ticket sale April 18, 2024

Included in the VIP Package

· Exclusive Tour of Paisley Park on Thursday or Sunday (New Exhibits)
· VIP Preferred Seating and Sections at Celebration Events (Strictly Enforced)
· VIP Hospitality Lounge Access in Downtown Minneapolis
· High-Definition Purple Rain Movie Screening
· Concert: The Revolution at First Avenue (TBA) on Friday - VIP Section
· Concert: Morris Day and Special Guests (TBA) on Saturday - VIP Section
· Concert: New Power Generation and Special Guests (TBA)
· Concert: New Artist Showcases
· Celebration 2024 Panel Discussions (TBA)
· VIP Boat Cruise on Lake Minnetonka
· Admission to Celebration Events and Installations in Downtown Minneapolis
· Exclusive Listening Session at Paisley Park (Unreleased Vault Material)
· Exclusive VIP Merchandise
· First Access to All Celebration Merchandise
· Exclusive VIP Lunch on Thursday
· Exclusive Gospel Brunch on Sunday
· Exclusive VIP Panel and Q&A Session
· Exclusive Unreleased Concert Footage
· Musical Performances
· DJ Dance Parties
· Prince Mural Block Party

Included in GA Package

· Admission to Celebration Events and Installations in Downtown Minneapolis
· High-Definition Purple Rain Movie Screening
· Concert: The Revolution at First Avenue (TBA) on Friday
· Concert: Morris Day and Special Guests (TBA) on Saturday
· Concert: New Power Generation and Special Guests (TBA)
· Concert: New Artist Showcases
· Celebration 2024 Panel Discussions (TBA)
· Exclusive Unreleased Concert Footage
· Musical Performances
· DJ Dance Parties
· Prince Mural Block Party
· GA Hospitality Lounge Access in Downtown Minneapolis
· GA Tour at Paisley Park (New Exhibits)

Prince On Screen: Images and Ideology

June 17th, University of Minnesota Minneapolis

The conference will include papers and panels on the 40th anniversary of Prince's debut film, Purple Rain

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Prince On Screen: Images and Ideology

June 17th, University of Minnesota Minneapolis

The conference will include papers and panels on the 40th anniversary of Prince's debut film, Purple Rain

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June 19th, Solar Arts Building, Minneapolis

An interview with Vaughn Terry discussing his career as Prince's costume designer from 1982 to 1986

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Dr. Mambo's Combo

June 19th, Parkway Theater, Minneapolis

Concert at the Parkway Theater

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Chrystal Ball Party - Kopieren

June 19th, Women's Club, Minneapolis

Throw up the love sign once and forever more on June 19th, 2024 at the Woman's Club of Minneapolis for the PG Crystal Ball event!

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Celebration Day One

June 20th Paisley Park + tba

First day of the Celebration...

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Charles “Chazz” Smith and Victory Levy Smith

June 20th Minneapolis

Please join my wife & I to a public forum in memory of my cousin

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The Revolution Concert - Kopieren

June 21st, First Avenue

Celebrating the 40th Anniversary Of Purple Rain

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Celebration Day Two - Kopieren

June 21st, State Theatre + First Avenue

Second day of the Celebration..

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Celebration Day Three

June 22nd, Downtown MPLS, State Theatre + tba

Third day of the celebration

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Morris Day (Single Ticket)

June 22nd, Downtown MPLS, State Theatre

NPG (Single Ticket)

June 22nd, Downtown MPLS, State Theatre

FlipPhone Prince Drag Brunch

June 22nd, Union Rooftop, Minneapolis

Prince Drag Brunch is back just in time for Celebration.

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Celebration Day Four

June 23rd, Paisley Park

Fourth day of the celebration

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Dr. Mambo's Combo

June 23rd,Bunkers

Fourth day of the celebration

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Celebration Day Five

June 24th, Lake Minnetonka, Paisley Park

Fifth day of the celebration

Read More  

If u want 2 inform me about a Prince event during the Celebration week, please feel free and use this form.
After check, I will publish the event on this website.

If u want 2 contact me regarding Prince topics, please feel free and use this form. I will try 2 answer u soon! Axel


Ein kurzer Bericht über meine Reise nach MPLS zur Celebration 2023.
Kurz die Fakten:
Anreise mit KLM/Delta via Amsterdam
Unterkunft: Hilton Bloomington (Paisley Park Partner Hotel)
Celebration Ticket: Diamond VIP

Tag 0, Mittwoch 7.6.
10:00 zu dieser Zeit konnte man in der Lobby des Hilton Hotels die Eintrittskarten abholen.
In der Lobby sollte ab 10:00 ein Celebration Merchendise Stand stehen. Mit dem Aufbau der Regale wurde allerdings erst um 9:55 begonnen.
Nach 90min warten, war der Stand fertig und man konnte sich mit Celebration bezogenen Merch eindecken (Siehe auch Gallery 'What I bought')
Anschließend mit dem Auto ca. 20 Minuten zum Electric Fetus gefahren. Im Gegensatz zu den Celebrations 2017-2019 fand ich die Auswahl sehr bescheiden und auch die Öffnungszeiten (bis 18:00) war erheblich kürzer als früher. Im Gegensatz zu früher konnte ich in Sachen Related Artists nur ein Release finden, was ich noch nicht in meiner Sammlung hatte (CD-Single Jellybean Johnson, Renaissance).
Weiter zu Cheapo, ein 2nd Hd. Plattenladen 5 Autominuten von Fetus entfernt. Ein ähnliches Bild, evtl. kamen mir schon einige Sammler zuvor?
Von dort ging es Downtown um auch die Parkmöglichkeiten für die W-Hotel Party am nächsten Abend zu klären. Ein Parkhaus direkt neben dem Hotel wurde angefahren. Perfekt, um kommende Nacht auch dort zu parken und direkt ins Hotel zu gehen ohne quer durch Downtown laufen zu müssen.
Da schon einmal in Downtown, schnell noch zum Prince Gemälde und zum First Avenue gegangen, für die üblichen Fotos.
Inzwischen 14:00 und zur Mall of America gefahren um am Food Court etwas zu essen. Dort andere Prince Fans getroffen, etc. etwas verplaudert und gegen 16:00 ins Hotel gefahren.
18:45 Aufbruch zum Park Theater, um Dr. Mambo live zu sehen. Parkplatz in der angrenzenden Wohngegend kein Problem.

19:35 startete das Konzert, endete 22:15 mit 15 Minuten Pause. 2.5h Prince Songs live, mit Highlight, als Margie Cox 'Standing at the Altar' sang.

Das Konzert hatte sehr, sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Es war sehr entspannt (Location Kino, jeder hatte Sitzplatz und sehr gute Sicht zur Bühne). Um 23:00 wieder im Hotel

Tag 1, Donnerstag 8.6.
Am Hilton Hotel standen ab 8:30 die Shuttle Busse bereit, Abfahrt 9:00. Es gab genug Platz und pünktlich um 9:00 Uhr setzten sich die Busse in Bewegung.
Ankunft Paisley Park ca. 9:30 Uhr. Leider wusste der Busfahrer nicht, in welches Tor er beim Paisley Park fahren musste, Resultat war eine blockierte Straße und ein überforderter Busfahrer der in einer viel zu kleinen Straße seinen Bus wendete. Schlange vor dem Paisley Park Eingang, Handys wurden in kleinen Taschen verpackt, Metalldetektor Check und man war im Paisley Park. Auf dem ersten
Blick keine Veränderungen zu den Jahren zuvor. Weiter zur Soundstage, wo sich alle VIP Ticketbesitzer versammelten (normale Ticketbesitzer durften nur zur Abendveranstaltung). Es war überraschend voll, es wurden ca. 300 VIP Tickets verkauft.

Nach der Begrüßung etc. wurden wir gemäß unserer Gruppe Diamond/Pearl aufgeteilt. Ich hatte nun die Museums Tour. Im Gegensatz zu den Touren früher bei den Celebrations, gab es nun eine 150 Personen Gruppe die sich mehr oder weniger frei durch die offenen Räume bewegen konnte. Überall standen Tour Guides für Fragen bereit. Der Umfang der Räume deckte sich mit einer kleinen Museums Tour, die man außerhalb der Celebration separat kaufen kann.
Es gab auch eine Fotostelle, wo man sich fotografieren lassen und sich via Mail das Bild im Celebration Frame sich zuschicken lassen konnte.
Leider war man mit dem Rundgang und Foto nach 45-60min fertig. Es gab keine Möglichkeit den Bereich zu verlassen und es staute sich im langen Gang zum Merchandise Shop (Tür abgeschlossen). Bei 30 Grad Außentemperatur und schlechter Klimaanlage im Gang, hatten einige Besucher Probleme.
Irgendwann wurde die Tür geöffnet und ca. 150 Leute gingen in den kleinen Merchandise Shop, etc. Weiter zum Essenzelt war nicht möglich, es ist noch nicht fertig.

Gegen 12:00 durften wird ins Essenzelt, Platz ausgesucht und am Buffet angestellt. 15min später, als man am Buffet war bekam man gesagt, dass es noch dauert und
man sich wieder setzen soll. 10min. später gab es Essen, aber große Schlange, man musste sich wieder anstellen und nach weiteren 20-30 Minuten hatte man sehr vegetarisches
Essen, was wirklich sehr lecker war.

Um 14:00 ging es im NPG Music Club weiter. Dort gab es exklusives Video Footage Prince Yokohama 9. September 1986 zu sehen. Leider war die Leinwand zerknittert und da das Licht angelassen wurde, war der Kontrast sehr schlecht.

Um 15:00 ging es ins Studio, wo Stühle aufgestellt wurden und wir hatten die Möglichkeit unveröffentlichte Prince Songs zu hören:
7 E-Flat Version 8AUG92, 4:53
Everything could be so fine 27JUL87, 3:14
The Rock that keeps rolling, 7AUG92, 4:47
All the Kings men, ?SEP2002, 6:14
I believe I love u, 27JUL87, 1:30
Don’t play with love, 28JUN85, with John L Nelson, 3:21
Block Heart, 4APR2006, 4:28
Your such a tease, 2006, 3:02
All the shared together now, 9SEP2006, 3:32
Soft + Wet Acoustic Guitar with Audience 2:48
Das war mein Highlight. Sehr interessant, zum Teil sehr gute Songs.

16:00 Abfahrt der Shuttlebusse, Ankunft im Hilton Hotel ca. 16:45
19:00 mit privaten PKW (es wurde kein Shuttle Service angeboten) nach Downtown zum W-Hotel gefahren. Ins Parkhaus rein, anschließend noch einen
Prince Freund aus Detroit getroffen und um 20:00 zur Party gegangen.
Unterer Bereich für alle zugänglich. DJ Lenka legte auf und obwohl gerade begonnen, schon gute Stimmung.
Ich ging in den oberen Bereich, VIP only, Dort gab es ein kleines Buffet (Diverse Käsesorten, Brot, etc. und auch cup cakes und andere Süßigkeiten.). Wasser mit Zitrone war gratis, alles
andere konnte an der Bar gekauft werden. Ebenfalls oben ein Konferenzraum für das Symbol

Gitarren Panel um 21:00.
Das Panel startete pünktlich und es wurde sehr detailliert auf den Bau der Gitarre eingegangen (welche Bauelemente genutzt wurden, warum nicht andere), etc. Weniger funny Prince Stories, mehr technische Details.

Um 22:00 war das Panel vorüber, ich ging noch einmal runter zur Party und gegen 22:45 trat ich meine Fahrt ins Hotel an (Jetlag + SEHR früher Shuttle Bus). 23:15 wieder im Hotel.

Tag 2, Freitag 9.6.
Um 6:30 (!!!) aufgestanden, Shuttle stand ab 7:30 bereit, Abfahrt 8:00 Uhr, Ankunft Paisley Park 8:45. Handy in Tasche, etc.

09:00 Unreleased Video für VIP und GA Diamond Besucher. Die ersten Reihen sind für VIP reserviert. Diesmal in der Soundstage und die Bildqualität war erheblich besser als am Tag zuvor. Das Video war London September 7, 1993. Die ersten 40 Minuten der Show wurde gezeigt.

09:40 das New Artists Panel. " Band wurden vorgestellt. Im Vorfeld war ich nicht wirklich begeistert darüber, aber ich hatte mich getäuscht. Es hatte richtig Spaß gemacht, die beiden
Bands zu hören.

10:00 dann Konzert Shelby J. Das Konzert war erheblich besser, als ihr Konzert 2019 im Capri Theater. Mix aus Prince, R+B Klassiker und eigenen Songs.

11:00 VIP Only Recording Session. Wir wurden in ein Studio gebracht, vor uns stand die NPG (Tommy Barbarella, Levis, Damon, Mr. Hayes,...). Wir bekamen alle Kopfhörer auf und es wurde die Aufnahmesession von 'Love 2 the 9s' nachgestellt. Wir hörten die Anweisungen von Prince von Band, die Musik wurde von der NPG live eingespielt. Mehrere Takes und Erklärungen. Sehr informativ, für solche Panels gehe ich zur Celebration.

12:00 VIP Lunch. Diesmal sehr smooth, keine lange Wartezeit.

13:00 Panel in der Soundstage mit Chaka Khan. Wie sie ihn kennengelernt hat, funny Stories, etc.
14:00 Hip Hop Panel mit Chuck D, Tony M. und am Ende (Verspätung Flieger) Doug E. Fresh. Ebenfalls sehr interessante Stories.

15:00 Shuttle zurück zum Hilton Hotel

21:00 Abendessen mit einigen Prince Fans. Anschließend mit PKW zu einem Busbahnhof nach Chanhassen gefahren um dort das Auto zu parken. Zur Überraschung fuhr von
dort ein Shuttle zum Paisley Park (wurde auf dem offiziellen Shuttleplan nicht aufgelistet!!).

23:00 Ankunft Paisley Park zur VIP + GA Party von DJ-Nice. Da schon alle im Paisley Park waren, Einlass sehr entspannt, man konnte das Handy behalten ,etc.
Auf der Bühne legte DJ-Nice auf und Doug E. Fresh heizte das Publikum an, war ganz nett, aber die Müdigkeit machte sich bemerkbar und gegen 1 Uhr einen Uber gerufen
(Shuttle wäre es wieder um 2/2:30 gefahren) um zum PKW zu kommen, anschließend gegen 2:00 wieder im Hotel. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt von Donnerstag 7:00 bis Samstag 2:00 ca. 6h geschlafen!

Tag 3, Samstag 10.6.
Am Vormittag diverse Thrift Stores besucht um nach Prince Merch Ausschau zu halten, anschließend noch einen Prince 'Tauschpartner' besucht und gegen 14:00 zurück zum Hotel.
15:30 standen die Shuttle Busse bereit, diesmal im Gegensatz zu den Tagen zuvor, Einstieg während der Starkregen auf den Asphalt prasselte (ja ich hatte keine Jacke dabei).
16:30 Ankunft Paisley Park, Sonne :-)
17:00 Zweiter Teil des unreleased Prince Video London 1993
18:00 Fam Panel mit US Podcastern und Dr. Funkenberry. Für mich persönlich eher ein schwaches Panel.
19:00 VIP Dinner
20:00 Rosie Gaines Tribute. Rosies Nachricht an die Fans, pre-Recorded via Telefon. Sehr emotional. Rosies Tochter war auf der Bühne.
20:10 7 Panel mit DJ Rashida, Levis Seacers Jr., Tona M. ? und es sollte über die spirituelle Bedeutung von 7 und Prince gesprochen werden. Nach wenigen Minuten schwenkte es
zu einem Prince Anekdoten Panel, sehr unterhaltsam.
21:00 - 22:30 Sound of Blackness und Stokley Konzert. Für mich persönlich etwas enttäuschend. Will man wirklich am Samstag Abend ein Gospel Konzert hören? Stokley überzeugte mich nur, wenn er Prince Songs spielte. Evtl. fehlt mir auch der Hintergrund, habe mich nie wirklich mit Mint Condition auseinandergesetzt.
22:30 Wir mussten für Umarbeiten zur Party den Paisley Park verlassen (Stühle mussten abgebaut werden). An dem Abend war es leider sehr kalt (13 Grad). Im Zelt warteten
schon die Pearl Ticketbesitzer auf die Party. Das bedeutete außerhalb des Zelts für ca. 45min warten. Da fast niemand eine Jacke dabei hatte, war kollektives Frieren angesagt.
23:15 Party mit DJ Rashida. Shelby J kam mit auf die Bühne und heizte das Publikum an. Zu aller Überraschung wurden auf der Bühne noch einmal Instrumente aufgebaut und eine Band aus Mitgliedern von Shelby J, Stokley, Sound of Blackness spielten ein kurzes Tina Turner Tribute und anschließend diverse Prince Cover Versionen. Nach dem Set kamen Shelby und Rashida wieder auf die Bühne.
02:00 Party fertig, man bekam beim Verlassen sein Geschenk. Ein USB Stick in Form einer Musikkassette mit 2 neuen Songs.
03:00 Zurück im Hotel.

Tag 4, Sonntag 11.6.
10:00 Abfahrt Shuttle in den Paisley Park
11:00 Gospel Frühstück mit lokaler Gospel Gruppe. Es waren nicht wie angekündigt The Steeles.
12:30 Abschlussrede sehr emotional mit Norrine Nelson (unbedingt Video ansehen)
13:00 Paisley Park ist nun für alle Celebration Besucher offen (die Räume die freigegeben wurden) und man konnte sich frei bewegen. Das Highlight war der Schuh-Raum, der zuvor nicht zugänglich war. Ich mache mir nicht viel aus Schuhen, aber es war sehr interessant. Viele Info Videos in Dauerschleife und ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich in der Schuhausstellung fast 45min verbringe.
14:00 Abfahrt mit dem Shuttle zum Hotel (man hätte bis 17:00 bleiben können)
15:00 Ankunft Hotel
16:00 - 21:00 Mall of America Besuch und ein wenig Shopping und Essen gehen.

Tag 5, Montag 12.6.
12:00 aus Hotel Checkout
13:00 Rückgabe Mietwagen, Security Check und anschließend den Prince Airport Shop besucht. Achtung, der Shop befindet sich in Terminal 1. Reisende von T2 (zum Beispiel mit Iceland Air) können ihn nicht besuchen. Im Airport Shop gab es zum Teil Merchandise, welches es NICHT im Paisley Park gab.
17:00 Abflug nach Amsterdam

Tag 6, Dienstag 13.6.
08:00 Ankunft in Amsterdam
13:00 Abflug nach Berlin, Ankunft 14:30

Bestes Konzert: Dr. Mambo im Parkway Theater
Bestes Interview Panel: 7
Bestes Interactive Panel: Unreleased song listening session
Bester Raum Museum: Schuhe
Beste Party: W-Hotel. Lenka on fire
Spartipp: Man kann ruhig die Heimreise am Sonntagabend antreten. Man spart sich eine Übernachtung, ein Tag Mietwagen und einen Urlaubstag.
A short report about my trip to MPLS for Celebration 2023. Briefly the facts:

Airline: KLM/Delta via Amsterdam
Stay: Hilton Bloomington (Paisley Park Partner Hotel)
Celebration Ticket: Diamond VIP

Day 0,Wednesday, June 7th
10:00 at this time you could pick up the tickets in the lobby of the Hilton Hotel.
There should be a celebration merchandise stand in the lobby from 10:00 a.m. However, the assembly of the shelves did not start until 9:55.
After waiting 90 minutes, the stand was ready and you could stock up on Celebration-related merch (see also Gallery 'What I bought')
Then I drove about 20 minutes by car to the Electric Fetus. In contrast to the 2017-2019 celebrations, I found the selection to be very modest and the opening times (until 6 p.m.) were also considerably shorter than before. In contrast to the past, I was only able to find one release from Related Artists that I didn't have in my collection (CD single Jellybean Johnson, Renaissance).

Continue to Cheapo, a 2nd hand record store 5 minutes drive from Fetus. A similar picture, maybe some collectors came before me?
From there I went downtown to clarify the parking possibilities for the W-Hotel party the next evening. A car park right next to the hotel was hit. Perfect for parking there next night and going straight to the hotel without having to walk across downtown.

Since I was downtown, I quickly went to the Prince painting and First Avenue for the usual photos.
Meanwhile 2:00 pm and I drove to the Mall of America to get something to eat at the food court. Met other Prince fans there, chatted a little etc. and drove to the hotel around 4:00 p.m.

18:45 Departure to Park Theater to see Dr. to see Mambo live. Parking in the adjacent residential area is not a problem.

The concert started at 7:35 p.m. and ended at 10:15 p.m. with a 15-minute break. 2.5h Prince Songs live, with highlight when Margie Cox sang 'Standing at the Altar'.

The concert was a lot of fun. It was very relaxed (location cinema, everyone had a seat and a very good view of the stage). Back at the hotel at 11:00 p.m

Day 1,Thursday June 8th
The shuttle buses were ready at the Hilton Hotel from 8:30 a.m., departing at 9:00 a.m. There was enough space and at 9:00 a.m. the buses started to move.
Arrive Paisley Park approximately 9:30am. Unfortunately, the bus driver didn't know which gate he had to drive into at Paisley Park, the result was a blocked road and an overwhelmed bus driver who turned his bus in a street that was far too small. Queue in front of the Paisley Park entrance, mobile phones were packed in small bags, metal detector check and you were in Paisley Park. On the first
Look no changes from previous years. Continue to the Soundstage, where all the VIP ticket holders gathered (normal ticket holders were only allowed to the evening event). It was surprisingly full, around 300 VIP tickets were sold.

After the greeting etc. we were divided according to our Diamond/Pearl group. I now had the museum tour. In contrast to the tours earlier at the Celebrations, there was now a 150-person group that was able to move more or less freely through the open spaces. Tour guides were available everywhere to answer questions. The scope of the rooms covered a small museum tour, which can be purchased separately outside of the celebration.
There was also a photo spot where you could have your picture taken and have the picture in the celebration frame sent to you via email.
Unfortunately, the tour and photo were finished after 45-60 minutes. There was no way out of the area and it was backed up in the long corridor to the merchandise shop (door locked). With an outside temperature of 30 degrees and poor air conditioning in the corridor, some visitors had problems.
At some point the door was opened and about 150 people went to the small merchandise shop, etc. It wasn't possible to go on to the food tent, it's not finished yet.

Around 12:00 we were allowed to go to the dining tent, choose a seat and walk to thethe buffet. 15 minutes later, when you were at the buffet, you were told that it would take a while to sit down again. 10 mins later there was food, but big line, you had to queue again and after another 20-30 minutes you had very vegetarian Food was really delicious.

At 2:00 p.m. we continued at the NPG Music Club. There was exclusive video footage of Prince Yokohama September 9, 1986 to see. Unfortunately the canvas was crumpled and since the light was left on the contrast was very poor.

At 3:00 p.m. we went to the studio, where chairs were set up and we had the opportunity to hear unreleased Prince songs:

7 E-Flat Version 8AUG92, 4:53
Everything could be so fine 27JUL87, 3:14
The Rock that keeps rolling, 7AUG92, 4:47
All the Kings men, ?SEP2002, 6:14
I believe I love u, 27JUL87, 1:30
Don’t play with love, 28JUN85, with John L Nelson, 3:21
Block Heart, 4APR2006, 4:28
Your such a tease, 2006, 3:02
All the shared together now, 9SEP2006, 3:32
Soft + Wet Acoustic Guitar with Audience 2:48
Das war mein Highlight. Sehr interessant, zum Teil sehr gute Songs.

4:00 p.m. Departure of the shuttle buses, arrival at the Hilton Hotel approx. 4:45 p.m
19:00 with a private car (there was no shuttle service offered) to downtown to the W-Hotel. Into the multi-storey car park, then another
Met Prince's friend from Detroit and went to the party at 8pm.
Lower area accessible to all. DJ Lenka hung up and although it had just started, the mood was already good.
I went to the upper area, VIP only, where there was a small buffet (various types of cheese, bread, etc. and also cup cakes and other sweets.). Water with lemon was free, everything
others could be bought at the bar. Also at the top a conference room for the icon

Guitar panel at 21:00.
The panel started on time and went into great detail about the construction of the guitar (which components were used, why not others), etc. Less funny Prince stories, more technical details.

At 10:00 p.m. the panel was over, I went down to the party again and around 10:45 p.m. I started my journey to the hotel (jet lag + VERY early shuttle bus). 23:15 back at the hotel.

Day 2, Friday June 9th
Got up at 6:30 (!!!), shuttle was ready at 7:30, departure 8:00, arrival at Paisley Park 8:45. Cell phone in pocket, etc.

09:00 Unreleased video for VIP and GA Diamond visitors. The first rows are reserved for VIP. This time in the sound stage and the picture quality was significantly better than the day before. The video was London September 7, 1993. The first 40 minutes of the show was shown.

09:40 the New Artists panel. " Band were introduced. I wasn't really enthusiastic about it beforehand, but I was wrong. It was really fun, the two of them
to listen to bands.

10:00 then concert Shelby J. The concert was significantly better than their 2019 concert at the Capri Theater. Mix of Prince, R+B classics and own songs.

11:00 VIP only recording session. We were taken to a studio, in front of us was the NPG (Tommy Barbarella, Levis, Damon, Mr. Hayes,...). We all got our headphones on and the recording session of 'Love 2 the 9s' was reenacted. We heard Prince's instructions from a band, the music was played live by the NPG. Multiple takes and explanations. Very informative, I go to the Celebration for panels like this.

12:00 VIP Lunch. This time very smooth, no long waiting time.

1:00 p.m. Panel in the Soundstage with Chaka Khan. How she met him, funny stories, etc.
14:00 Hip Hop panel with Chuck D, Tony M. and at the end (delayed plane) Doug E. Fresh. Also very interesting stories.

15:00 Shuttle back to the Hilton Hotel

21:00 Dinner with some Prince fans. Then drove by car to a bus station in Chanhassen to park the car there. To the surprise drove by
there a shuttle to Paisley Park (wasn't listed on the official shuttle schedule!!).

23:00 Arrival at Paisley Park for DJ-Nice's VIP + GA party. Since everyone was already in Paisley Park, admission was very relaxed, you could keep your cell phone, etc.
DJ Nice was on stage and Doug E. Fresh got the crowd pumped up, was nice enough, but tiredness made itself felt and called an Uber around 1am
(Shuttle would have gone again at 2/2:30) to get to the car, then back at the hotel around 2:00. At this point, from Thursday 7:00 a.m. to Saturday 2:00 a.m., I slept about 6 hours!

Day 3, Saturday June 10th.
Visited various thrift stores in the morning to look for Prince merch, then visited a Prince 'exchange partner' and returned to the hotel around 2:00 p.m.
At 3:30 p.m. the shuttle buses were ready, this time in contrast to the days before, entry while the heavy rain was pattering on the asphalt (yes, I didn't have a jacket with me).
16:30 arrival Paisley Park, sun :-)
17:00 Second part of the unreleased Prince Video London 1993
18:00 Fam Panel with US Podcasters and Dr. Sparkberry. For me personally rather a weak panel.
19:00 VIP dinner
20:00 Rosie Gaines Tributes. Rosie's message to fans, pre-recorded via phone. Very emotional. Rosie's daughter was on stage.
20:10 7 panel with DJ Rashida, Levis Seacers Jr., Tona M. ? and the spiritual meaning of 7 and Prince should be discussed. After a few minutes it swung
to a Prince anecdote panel, very entertaining.
21:00 - 22:30 Sound of Blackness and Stokley Concert. A bit disappointing for me personally. Do you really want to hear a gospel concert on Saturday night? Stokley only convinced me when he played Prince songs. Maybe I'm missing the background, I've never really dealt with Mint Condition.
10:30pm We had to leave Paisley Park for makeovers for the party (chairs had to be taken down). Unfortunately, it was very cold that evening (13 degrees). Waited in the tent
already the Pearl ticket holders to the party. That meant waiting outside the tent for about 45 minutes. Since almost no one had a jacket with them, collective freezing was the order of the day.
23:15 Party with DJ Rashida. Shelby J came on stage and fired up the crowd. To everyone's surprise, instruments were once again set up on stage and a band made up of members from Shelby J, Stokley, Sound of Blackness played a short Tina Turner tribute and then various Prince cover versions. After the set, Shelby and Rashida came back on stage.
02:00 Party ready, you got your gift when you left. A USB stick in the form of a music cassette with 2 new songs.
03:00 Back to the hotel.

Day 4, Sunday June 11th
10:00 Depart shuttle to Paisley Park
11:00 Gospel Breakfast with local Gospel group. It wasn't The Steeles as advertised.
12:30 Closing speech very emotional with Norrine Nelson (be sure to watch the video)
13:00 Paisley Park is now open to all Celebration attendees (the spaces that were released) and free to roam. The highlight was the shoe room, which was previously inaccessible. I'm not big on shoes, but it was very interesting. Lots of information videos in a loop and I didn't think I'd spend almost 45 minutes in the shoe exhibition.
14:00 departure by shuttle to the hotel (you could have stayed until 17:00)
15:00 arrival hotel
16:00 - 21:00 Visit Mall of America and do some shopping and dining.

Day 5, Monday June 12th.
12:00 from hotel checkout
13:00 Return of the rental car, security check and then visit to the Prince Airport Shop. Attention, the shop is located in Terminal 1. Travelers from T2 (for example with Iceland Air) cannot visit it. In the airport shop there was some merchandise that was NOT available in Paisley Park.
17:00 Departure to Amsterdam

Day 6, Tuesday June 13th
08:00 Arrival in Amsterdam
13:00 departure to Berlin, arrival 14:30

Summarize (for me)
Best concert: Dr. Mambo im Parkway Theater
Best Interview Panel: 7
Best Interactive Panel: Unreleased song listening session
Best Room Museum: Schuhe
Beste Party: W-Hotel. Lenka on fire
Saving tip: You can start your journey home on Sunday evening. You save an overnight stay, a day of rental car and a day of vacation.
Paisley Park News image
TICKETS ON SALE Official Celebration 2023 site:  https://www.paisleypark.com/celebration2023

Please check the single days about the schedule and the topics of each day.

The will be no provided Meals on Friday and Saturday.
Concessions and breaks will be available.

VIP PearlTickets are SOLD OUT

Still available:
GA Pearl Tickets
Day Tickets

The 2023 Celebration will once again include live music, celebrity panels, in-studio recording sessions, and special opportunities to see and hear historical Prince performances.

Featured Panels
Diamonds & Pearls
Prince & Hip Hop
Prince Fam Legacy
Paisley Park Highlights

Prince Fan Testimonials
Rosie Gaines - Prince Legacy Tribute
VIP Opportunities

Exclusive Studio Experiences

Performing Artists
Special Appearances

Celebration 2023 Important Details

We are less than 1 week away from Celebration 2023 and are thrilled to welcome everyone back to Paisley Park. Be prepared for a life-changing experience with incredible panelists, inspiring concert experiences, and more. With a weekend filled with programming, please read this e-mail in its entirety prior to your arrival.

Credential Pick Up

Credential pick-up will occur over the span of Celebration 2023. Please view the date, times, and locations below to plan for your credential pick-up. 


The Hilton Minneapolis-Bloomington | Wednesday, June 7th at 10 AM - 6 PM | 3900 American Blvd W, Bloomington, MN 55437

 ** Merchandise will be available for purchase


The W Minneapolis - The Foshay  | Thursday, June 8th at 7 PM - 12 AM CT |
821 S Marquette Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55402

** This pick-up time and location is reserved for only GA and VIP Guests


Paisley Park | June 8 - 11 All Day | 7801 Audubon Rd. Chanhassen, MN 55317

** Attendees can take the Celebration Shuttle or Uber to Paisley Park to pick up their credentials (there is no parking onsite for credential pick up).

Yondr Bags

If you have been to Paisley Park in the past, you should already be familiar with our Yondr bag procedure. There will be unreleased content that is exclusive to Celebration, and your phones will need to be secured in a Yondr bag to participate in the programming. Plan for not having access to your phone for extended periods of time. If you are found violating these procedures, you may be removed from the event without notice or refund.

Morris Day and the Time

June 3rd, Welch MN

The Time concert at the Treasure Island Resort & Casino in Welch.

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Party Up!

June 3rd, Minneapolis

Partyup! Prince and the MPLS Sound Dance Party DJs Brian Engel, Noah Kurth

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SoundAround Launch Party

June 4th, Bunkers

Celebrate the launch of SoundAround Music Tours at the Bunkers

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Dr Mambo's Combo

June 4th, Bunkers

Live Concert at the Bunkers in Minneapolis

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A Tribute 2 Prince, Martin Kember

June 5th, Minneapolis

Tribute concert at The PourHouse

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Symposium Prince in the Afterlife

June 5th+6th, Woodberry

Dimensional Spiritual Prince in Author Truth’s Photo! Real? Yes, and it’s Simply Amazing!

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Purple Boatquake

June 6th, Lady of the Lake

Dining, dancing, music and more..

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Diamonds & Pearls Party

6th June, Minneapolis

Prince Party at the Woman's Club of Minneapolis

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The Past, Present, and Future of Prince Studies

June 7th, Minneapolis

Join top Prince scholars to explore the impressive research and work of the last 7 years & join the conversation on where it goes from here

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Celebration of Prince

June 7th, St. Paul

Celebration of Home Town Legendary Artist Prince

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My Prince Experience Book Read

June 7th, Woodberry

My Prince Experience Book Read By Arthur Truth

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Tales from the Northside

June 7th, Capri Theater

Join us for this community fundraising event to benefit the Minneapolis Sound Museum!

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Prince Born Day Party

June 7th, Chanhassen

Party like it's 1999 at the Riley Creek ! Free admission

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Dr. Mambo's Combo

June 7th, Parkway Theater

Concert at the Parkway Theater

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The Dance Electric

June 7th, First Avenue

The Dance Electric - Celebrating the 65th Birthday of You Know Who with DJ Dudley D and guests at First Avenue

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Late Night with Lenka

June 7th, Minneapolis

Party with DJ Lenka

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Prince Party Chop House

June 7th, Bloomington

Hey Twin cities.... Get ready for a hot night of poetic passion & sexy MF'n musical sounds in honor of the Royal Prince Rogers Nelson

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Celebration Day 1

June 8th, Paisley Park

First day of the Celebration 2023,

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Venue Tours

First Avenue, Minneapolis

Go behind the scenes of Minneapolis’ historic nightclub!

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Jaybee & The Routine

June 8th, Bunker's

Concert at the Bunker's. Funk-R&B, contagious soulful grooves that can go on for hours… Influenced by The Time, Prince, Janet Jackson, Mint Condition…

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The Purple Ones

June 8th, Minneapolis

The Purple Ones- Honouring Prince’s Birthday through Fashion

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Purple Rain Movie

June 8th, Minneapolis

Purple Rain (1984) 35mm presentation

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Celebration Day 2

June 9th, Paisley Park

Second day of the Celebration 2023

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Venue Tours

First Avenue, Minneapolis

Go behind the scenes of Minneapolis’ historic nightclub!

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Celebration Day 3

June 10th, Paisley Park

Third day of the Celebration 2023

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Prince Legacy

June 10th, New Ulm


Celebration Day 4

June 11th, Paisley Park

Fourth day of the Celebration 2023

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June 11th, Edina

Support Justice4cuz 12pm - 3am

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Gangster Glam Skate Party

June 11th, Skateville

Let's Skate! Join us for another roller skating party.

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Dr. Mambos Combo

June 11th, Bunker's

Live Concert at the Bunkers in Minneapolis

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